Art and Reflections...

Hey guys, Happy Tuesday! I only have two more days of school left of this term after today! What am I going to do with myself for two whole weeks?! Also do you guys think I should keep blogging over the holidays? Like maybe once or twice a week? Let me know in the comments. Anyway, here's my day... 8:15 Yoga - choose one of Adrienne’s beginner yoga sessions. Really try and listen and do the breathing etc. as she describes. Fall into the moment and enjoy the luxury of a peaceful, empty house! 9am Maths 45 minutes ; Times tables revision 3, 4, 6 and 7 10am Morning Tea 10:15 Art! The next lesson in the program 11:30 (ish) Journalling … write a short, reflective, informal paragraph about the origins of Yoga. Where does it originate? Why is it beneficial as a form of meditative exercise? How do you personally feel while doing yoga? Do you find it relaxing? Painful? Boring? Fun? Is it something you t...