Photography and Youth Group...
Happy Friday everyone!
I hope you've all had a great week and are ready for a fun weekend! My mum and I have a free day on Saturday and I'm planning on getting my second ear piercings done which will be great. I've wanted them for ages! Yesterday I looked after Indi while my mum did the school run to get my brothers. We made a cubby house outside on the veranda and watched the rain. Here's some pics:
It was the cutest! Here's my day today...
9am Maths 1 hour
10am Morning Tea break
10:15 FINAL proofread of the bonus chapter (to be marked this weekend)
10:45 Revision of I Love a Sunburnt Country - recite OUT LOUD 2 or 3 times
11am Science - Continuation of farming / permaculture study : Research the difference between commercial and organic farming. What is organic farming? How do farmers manage to grow crops organically? Do they need to be accredited in order to sell to the public? How does the accreditation work? - Please make sure the research is from Australia.
Do you think it’s important to eat organic food? Why/why not? Why is organic food so expensive?
12pm Lunch and break
12:45 Photography - One of the follow up activities for the current poetry exercise will be to create a slideshow of beautiful nature photographs to go along with the spoken poem. Go through the poem and make a creative list of photography ideas. Once the weather fines up, get out there and start photographing!! Make the list as extensive as possible so there are plenty of ideas for each stanza.
Tonight was Youth Group and it was really fun. It was the last one of the term before holidays 😕 I can't wait until next term! I worked on my photography exercise this afternoon and it is going well. Anyway hope y'all had a great day and have an awesome weekend! See you on Monday for another post.
Homeschool Girl xx
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