Art and Photography...


Today is a Wednesday for me which means I'm halfway through the week! Yay! 

9am Maths - 45 minutes ; 15 minutes revision of times tables 3, 4 and 6

10am Morning Tea break

10:15am House cleaning for inspection tomorrow 

11am Art - Next project in Art Program

12pm Lunch break - Watching Romeo and Juliet (finishing it tonight). PLEASE TAKE NOTES as we watch for doing the comparison essay between the book and the film. 

1:30pm ish Afternoon activity - Photography Challenge #4 Steps

Go for a walk somewhere which inspires you. As you walk, stop and take a unique image after walking exactly 20 steps.
The world changes a lot in just a few feet. Stop to capture this. Place your photographs into a slideshow.

So that was my day! It was actually pretty good, as I didn't have much on. Sometimes I find I get the most work done when I don't have many subjects to do. I don't have any of the photos I took for my challenge but I did do a little photoshoot with Indigo after school. A few of my fav photos below...
What do ya think?? She's pretty adorable isn't she?!
QOTD is... Do you have any siblings?? I have three, all younger than me. 
Homeschool Girl xx
