French and France...

Hey everyone! 

I'm back after my weekend. I've got some Monday-itis today as I had a really great weekend. I spent Saturday up on Tamborine Mountain looking at op-shops, book stores and cafes. It was lovely. On Sunday we went to Church and then spent the afternoon at home. I hung out on the trampoline with a good book. How was your weekend? 

Anyway here's my day today...

9am Maths 45 minutes ; 15 mins revise timetables 8,9 and 12

10am Morning Tea break 15 mins 

10:15am - English - begin working on the Comparative Essay for Romeo and Juliet. This will be due by the end of this week.

11:30am - French - next lesson in the program

12pm - Lunch and break time 

12:45pm - History - Continue work on the study of French history and culture (see the program for direction)

2pm - Finish!

When looking at it now, it seems like I did hardly anything but in fact I was quite busy. I did some French using the program which was fun and I also started my essay on France. So I am feeling quite French today! Sorry today's post was quite boring, I'll try to be more interesting tomorrow!

QOTD is what is your favourite country. Comment down below!

Homeschool Girl xx
