Storms and Art...

Hello everyone. Happy Tuesday! 

Last night we had a huge storm come over. There was some pretty awesome thunder and lightning. It's cooled things down a lot today, which is great! It's only 23 degrees here which is a nice change. Anyway here is what my day looked like today...

9am - Revise history essay once again, looking into why the slaves were freed and how this connects with the Civil War ending. 

9:15am - Maths 45 minutes

10am Morning Tea

10:15am - English / History a Reflective Writing task on the reality TV show Outback House.

11am - English - continue working on the Comparative Essay on Romeo and Juliet 

11:30am - Art - next lesson in the program

12:30 (or whenever it's finished) - Lunch and break for 45 minutes

Afternoon task - Science - There was a lovely big storm last night. Research what causes a storm to happen, and draw a creative, neat and explanatory diagram on white A4 paper which represents this occurrence. Use colour pencils / paints etc. to make the diagram visually appealing. Label / caption it too. Present this diagram once complete, explaining the storm process fully.

Today for Art I looked at Winter birds, which was a really cool lesson. I made the picture below using oil pastels, pencil and white paint for the snow. Quite happy with the finished piece. 

My winter bird 💙

QOTD is do you prefer sunny or rainy weather? I much prefer the rain, it makes me feel nice and cosy. Great weather for drinking tea, wearing comfy clothes and snuggling in bed. 

Homeschool Girl xx
