Cats, Dogs and favourite animals...

Happy Tuesday everyone! 

Hope you're all having a great week so far, I definitely am! Today was a really great day, lots of fun activities and I was never bored. I also got 95% in a Maths test which is always a plus! Here's what I got up to today...

9am Maths 1 hour

10am Morning tea 

10:15 - French study Task 2 - Geography (making a map of France including major cities, districts and rivers) Begin to memorise the landscapes and significant areas of interest. 

11am - Art - next lesson in the program

12(ish) Lunch 45 mins

1pm - Continue reading Animal Farm, but firstly have a look at the “Character Tracking” added to the program, and begin to complete this in OneNote.

2/2:30 - Finish

I loved my art lesson today, it was a bit different to the ones I normally do. I looked at shading and mixing colours using animals as the example. I created these pieces: 

I'm very fond of the little dog, he's captured my heart. He's done by using a mixture of oil pastels and paint. 

QOTD is what is your favourite animal?? Mine is a panda cause they're just so cute and cuddly! 🐼

Homeschool Girl xx
