Friday Youth Group and Art...

Hey guys, 

FRIDAY!! Today was a good day, I got heaps done and enjoyed all the work. Tonight was Youth group and it was awesome! We had an Easter egg hunt (a bit early I know, but Youth finishes up next week for the holidays). It was through the whole of Helensvale and it was really fun! Lots of running around in the dark looking for clues and chocolate. What could be better?? Anyway, here's my day...

9am Maths 1 hour ; Times tables 15 mins 8, 9, 12

10:15 Morning tea and break

10:30 French Test! On all words and phrases so far.

10:45 Insurgent follow up - Write a “back of book” short style blurb. 

11am Insurgent Study Questions - Find these in the homeschool program. There are quite a few, including writing a bonus chapter, so they can be continued after lunch. 

11:50 Look after Indi and settle her for her nap

12:15 Lunch and break 45 minutes

Afternoon - Finish all the discussion questions and bonus chapter 

Please make sure the entire OneNote is up to date

Fun Friday afternoon - ART - Do the next art lesson in the program, OR free sketching / card making / painting etc. 

6:30pm - Youth Group 

Art was great today, I looked at blending colours and shading using a boat on the sea as an example. It has butterfly wings to give it some colour. This was something different because the last couple of lessons have been mixed media not just one, today was just paint. 

QOTD is do you do any after school activities??

Homeschool Girl xx
