Poems and Novels...
Hey loyal followers, if there are any!
Today is Thursday 👊🏻 Nearly Friday! Today was a bit of a catch up day finishing some things up and continuing on from recent lessons. I kept reading the poem I am studying 'My Country', I have learnt the first 3 stanzas now and am actually enjoying the challenge of remembering all the lines. Anyway, here's my day...
9am Maths 1 hour + Revision of times tables 3, 4, 6 and 7
10:15 Morning Tea
10:30 French - Revision and continuing learning the words for this week - remember test on Friday
10:45 - French History Essay - Read the feedback and proofread the essay
11 (ish) - Today Stephen Hawking passed away. He was an extremely intelligent man who contributed much to the world of science and mathematics. Research him - his life, his achievements, his young diagnosis with Motor Neuron Disease, and how he defied the odds by living WAY beyond the doctors expectations. Write all the findings into an informal essay. There will be a huge amount of information online, as well as videos, interviews with him, etc. etc. File this study under “Science” in OneNote. Following on from this informal study, watch the film The Theory of Everything this weekend, which is based on his amazing life (and staring Eddie Redmayne)
12/12:30 - Lunch and break
1:15 - Continue learning “I love a sunburnt country”.
1:45 - Begin reading the novel “Insurgent”. There will have some discussion questions to answer following this one, as with Divergent.
2:30 - Finish
I finished Insurgent this afternoon (yes I know I only started it today but I really loved it and just kept reading. I highly recommend this series if you haven't already read them). Looking forward to the discussion questions tomorrow. I also really enjoyed going through information on Stephen Hawking, he was a fascinating man with a great sense of humour!
QOTD is what is your favourite book?? This is pretty much an impossible question for me because I just read so much. I love Fault in our Stars, Words in Deep Blue, The Hunger Games series, The Giver, The Notebook, Everything Everything and so many more. Books are just the best!
Homeschool Girl xx
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